Yoga Chair With Cushion


Yoga chairs with cushions are versatile props designed to aid in yoga practice, particularly in the Iyengar style of yoga, which emphasizes alignment and precision.

Weight 4.7kgs to 5.7kgs
Size: 51cm x 47cm x 79cm
Material: Metal



The chair can be placed in upright position or reclined by removing a wooden knob. Comes with a cushioned base, pillow at bottom and back.

Here’s how you can use them effectively:

  • Supported Standing Poses: Chairs support standing poses such as uttanasana and helps maintain proper alignment of the spine.
  • Backbends and Chest Openers: Chairs aid backbends and chest-opening poses, enhancing stretch intensity with support and alignment.
  • Inversions: Chairs support inversions like Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani, ensuring safety and comfort in practice.
  • Seated Poses: Chairs aid seated poses like Dandasana or Ardha Matsyendrasana, offering stability and alignment focus.
  • Restorative Poses: Chairs support restorative poses like Supta Baddha Konasana and Savasana, enhancing comfort and relaxation.
  • Alignment and Proprioception: Iyengar Yoga chairs help in alignment, proprioception, and pose refinement, fostering strength, flexibility, and body awareness.
  • Adaptations and Modifications: Chairs modify poses for diverse needs, offering stability and safe exploration in yoga practice.
    Metal yoga chair, with no back rest, Sturdy and comfortable, tested by yogis.