Stainless Steel Jalaneti Pot


Discover the ancient art of nasal cleansing with our authentic Jalneti pots. Promote respiratory health and clarity with this gentle and effective practice, trusted for centuries.


Instructions to use Jalneti Pots:

Prepare the solution: Start by preparing a saline solution. You can make this by mixing 1 teaspoon of non-iodized salt (such as sea salt or kosher salt) with 2 cups of lukewarm distilled or sterile water. Make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature; too hot or too cold water can be uncomfortable.

Fill the pot: Fill the plastic jalaneti pot with the saline solution. The pot usually has a spout that allows for easy pouring.

Position yourself: Stand over a sink or in the shower, tilting your head slightly forward.

Insert the spout: Insert the spout of the jalaneti pot into one nostril. Make sure it creates a tight seal to prevent leakage.

Pour the solution: Slowly pour the saline solution into your nostril. The solution should flow through your nasal passages and out of the other nostril. Breathe through your mouth during this process.

Switch nostrils: After you’ve emptied about half of the pot, switch to the other nostril and repeat the process.

Empty the pot: Empty any remaining solution from the pot.

Clean the pot: Rinse the jalaneti pot thoroughly with distilled or sterile water after each use. Let it air dry completely before storing it.

Repeat if necessary: If you feel congested or if there’s still mucus present, you can repeat the process with a fresh batch of saline solution.