Rectangular Yoga Bolster


Bolster in yoga is used as a support in various asanas. The Rectangular Yoga Bolster is made of high-quality cotton with a washable cover, providing firmness and stability for yoga practice.

Weight: 2.5 kg to 3 kg
Size: 24 inches x 8 inches x 5 inches
Material: Cotton



A yoga bolster is a dense, rectangular pillow used in yoga to improve comfort and alignment during poses.

Here are some common uses for a rectangular yoga bolster:

  • Support in Restorative Poses: Restorative yoga uses bolsters for gentle stretches, relaxation, and tension relief.
  • Alignment in Yin Yoga: Yin Yoga involves holding passive poses with bolster support for alignment.
  • Deep Stretching: Bolsters deepen stretches in poses like reclining bound angle.
  • Pranayama Practice: Bolsters support pranayama exercises, aiding comfortable sitting or lying positions.
  • Meditation Support: Bolsters double as cushions for stable sitting during extended meditation.



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